Sunday, May 18, 2014

Review : Andai Itu Takdirnya

  Some of you may not know, I'm not into books. Well I didn't literally was born to hate reading but as I grow up, I learnt that most novels are quite the same. Same dramas , same conflicts, same happy endings, or should I say


  But recently I came to read this novel, a Malay novel entitled Andai ItuTakdirnya. Yeah, it came out years ago, I'm so lame I know LOL. 

  Okay, so about the storyline ? Still cliche like the others, but somehow it managed to make me cry. Yeap, I did. Reading it made me think for a second "Does people like this really exists ? Like come on, watak suami Aleeya tu kejam sangat kot'' But then I came to my sense. We're living in a world full of beasts, people are getting mean and ignorant nowadays.

It's pretty sad isn't it ?

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