Thursday, June 12, 2014

Still counting ..

  One thing you need to know about me is, I'm not so good in making friends. Some said I was being antisocial all this while but the truth is my social skill sucks. I don't know how to keep the conversation going, how to come out with good jokes or even how to appear attractive. I'm too plain that most of the times I can just watch people slowly lose interest in me.

So basically, I have two best friends who I count on no matter what it is.
Yeap, you read it right. Two.

  I met them six years ago, on our first day in high school. And I love them since. During our school days, we were completely inseparable. It gets awkward if one of us didn't show up (since most of the time we skip school together HAHA) I won't forget how we cried together, giving each other advice and encouragement. How we tried our best to protect each other to the point of

''Kalau dia buat kau menangis lagi, memang aku tumbuk muka dia"

  It was kinda childish. But it feels good when you know at least there's someone out there who got your back all the time. Who would stay up till morning just to make sure that you're okay. I'm thankful that I have them.

  But now that we're all grown ups, we go for different paths. But surprisingly our friendship remains strong. Even though we haven't met nor talk to each other for months, things just didn't turn out awkward. We still laugh and share stories like the old times.

It's just that it's already time to be an adult. To take responsibility for ourselves.
May we achieve what we've been dreaming of in shaa Allah.

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